Monday, August 8, 2016

Back to Square One on the Theories of American Horror Story Season 6

You gotta love FX. They know how to market their stuff, or at least in this case, how the production team behind "American Horror Story" markets their seasons with a sense of eerie style from how they did the creepy nuns in season two's "Asylum" and the rabid clowns of "Freak Show." For a time, everyone thought it was pinned into the cushion of what season 6, though, was going to be about.

Not so After Taking One Look at the Latest Promotional Poster for American Horror Story

Now in case you've been living under a really boring rock, everyone's been thinking that AHS is going to be about the infamous Roanoke, VA, colony disappearance story, but after taking one look at this poster, that may not be the case.

This injects even more mystery into a story literally punctuated by the fact that there's a big marketing QUESTION MARK by the 6 -- as in, we're not going to know what this is all about. We don't even have a sub-title (Murder House, Asylum, Coven, Freak Show, Hotel, etc. etc.).

What do you think? You like this level of mystery AHS is bringing to the table? Or do you want more meat to feed on?

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