Sunday, August 16, 2020

‘Deathground’ Kickstarter Completes With Over £118k in Pledges, New Teaser Video Released

Jaw Drop Games’ Kickstarter campaign for their Dino Crisis-eque Deathground, which we already knew had met their funding goal, has finished up with just over £118k in pledged funds. This means that the last-minute stretch goals were met. And as a treat, Jaw Drop Games’ Audio Designer, Graham Schroeter, has released a short video that briefly covers the Sound Design of Deathground.

As for what’s next, Adam from Jaw Drop Games did reach out to us to mention that the team is currently working on getting more gameplay clips showing off Deathground‘s gameplay mechanics, so stay tuned for that.

Deathground is slated for release on PC via Steam Early Access later next year.


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