Monday, August 24, 2020

‘Unhinged’: Audiences Floored it to Reopened Theaters [Box Office]

Even as the pandemic shows no signs of slowing down, theaters here in the States have reopened in mass with many, many people showing up.

Even with a lack of clarity, Solstice Studios took a gamble by unrolling Unhinged into theaters only.

Russell Crowe goes near-slasher in the “brutal thriller”, targeting a woman (Caren Pistorius) after a confrontation with her at an intersection.

Audiences showed up this past weekend to see Unhinged in theaters, the film pulling in an estimated $4.1M here in the States (in 1,800 locations) and an impressive $13M globally. This is an astounding number considering theaters are only at 30% capacity. There’s no way to know if a full theater would have pulled in the other 70%, but Solstice (and theaters chains) have to be ecstatic with this weekend’s numbers.

Unhinged has a reported budget of around $30M, which means they have an extremely long haul to break even. While that seems unlikely, they have to be thanking their lucky stars that they were able to sneak this thriller into theaters during the ongoing pandemic and recoup some of their losses. With that said, VOD numbers have been through the roof, so who knows how well this will perform once the shortened window of time is up in the next few months?

After years of delay, The New Mutants will finally make its way to theaters (only) this coming Friday. Based on Unhinged‘s numbers, it’s safe to say that Disney’s X-Men spinoff should, at the very least, double that of Unhinged. Is that good? At the very least, it’s helping studios fill their theatrical obligations and finally get some of their movies out.

Money aside, the biggest question mark right now is the long term effect of allowing people to congregate in a small space together. There’s a risk even with safety measures in place as there are a ton of varying factors in play (including the rate of spread in a specific community), which makes it impossible to know for certain. No matter, theaters are back open, studios are releasing their films, and many people are going. Please be safe and, for the love of god, wear a mask.


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