Thursday, September 3, 2020

‘Friday the 13th Part 2’: What to Expect from the Newly-Unearthed Uncut Gore Footage

As is typical of most Scream Factory releases, their upcoming Friday the 13th Blu-ray set appears to be absolutely stacked with special features. In addition to the gorgeous box artwork and enticing bonuses that were unveiled a few months back (uncut Jason Goes to Hell on Blu!!!), a number of other supplements in this loaded collection were detailed yesterday in a comprehensive look at what this set will include. And while it surely would have been an eye-raising must-have for both Friday fans and physical media enthusiasts based on the numerous extras on display (commentaries, 4K scans, featurettes, marketing materials and more!), there is one particular included treat that will have longtime fans frothing at the mouth…

Friday the 13th Part 2. Uncut. Gore. Footage.

That’s right, Scream Factory has unearthed this long sought after F13 grail and will be presenting it on disc for the first time. Though they’ve cautioned that the footage is sourced from a vintage VHS tape, these deleted clips will surely be the biggest draw for Friday fans who likely never expected to lay eyes on clips long thought to be forever lost. Scream Factory further noted that the extra gore sequences will be presented as a standalone supplement, rather than being reintegrated into a cut of the film.

So what will these long-excised clips feature, anyway? Well, according to missing films authority Lost Media Archive, the theatrical cut of Friday the 13th Part 2 that we all know and love was shorn of 48 seconds of footage, which constituted the following:

1) a bloodier ice pick death for Alice

2) a longer, more gruesome wire death for Crazy Ralph

3) bloodier deaths for the police officer (via claw hammer) and Scott (who gets his throat slashed in a more explicit manner)

4) an alternate version of Mark’s death, featuring a brief moment with Jason’s machete going into his face

5) an alternate final shot of Pamela’s severed head opening her eyes just before the credits hit (given that this isn’t exactly a gore shot, one wonders if it will be included)

6) finally, there is the “Jeff and Sandra” scene. Or, as Scream Factory put it in a release, “THAT Jeff and Sandra” scene. An impalement sequence which finds both characters run through by Jason at once, this graphic footage was cut from the film, even though a still of this gory death made its way into Fango and the back cover of an early VHS release.

Of course, there is another facet of the Jeff and Sandra scene which is more than a little unsavory. Preceding their deaths, Jeff and Sandra have sex – a moment which depicts Sandra in a full frontal nude scene. That shouldn’t be too terribly shocking, except for the fact that Sandra actor Marta Kober was underage, being only seventeen years old at the time of filming. Once this fact was discovered by Paramount, they ordered the footage to be removed from the film. Whether or not this sequence will be included on the Blu-ray is yet to be seen – though, if one guy’s opinion here matters, I really hope it never sees the light of day. That footage should remain lost.

So how exactly was all of this footage unearthed? In a Facebook post by bonus content producer Samuelson Studios, owner Edwin Samuelson recounts the events that led to the discovery of the missing footage. Playing a hunch, Samuelson contacted F13 Part 2 FX artist Carl Fullerton, who had reportedly showed the uncut footage to fellow FX legend Greg Nicotero. Indeed, it turned out that Fullerton was in possession of the footage, all saved to a nearly four decade old VHS tape. This revelation was followed by a coordinated effort to retrieve the precious clips, with Samuelson, F13 Part 2 actor Bill Randolph, Samuelson’s co-producer and Crystal Lake Memories author Peter Bracke, and Scream Factory’s Cliff MacMillan and Jeff Nelson all lending a hand to shepherd the footage along to its safe transfer to digital. There’s far more to the process than that (including the videotape being baked!), so make certain to hit that link and check out a pretty fascinating story.

In addition to this adventure, Samuelson notes that “several minutes” were originally trimmed from the film, so it’s possible that we’ll see even more footage than we could hope to expect based on the previous reports.

In any case, no matter its condition, the length of the scenes, or the ultimate contents therein, what’s certain is that this unearthed footage will be absolutely essential viewing for Friday fans, and is surely the cherry on top of an already exemplary-looking set. I don’t know about the rest of you, but October 13th can’t get here soon enough.


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