The DC Universe animated series “Harley Quinn” has found a new home at freshly-launched streaming service HBO Max, and we’ve learned today that a third season is coming!
As for DC Universe, that’s going to become a comics-only platform.
“Harley Quinn” follows Harley’s adventures after she breaks up with the Joker, including receiving help from Poison Ivy and others to become a member of the Legion of Doom.
Kaley Cuoco leads the cast of the animated series as Harley Quinn, with Lake Bell as Poison Ivy. We’re hearing that the main cast will all be returning for the third season.
The hope is that new episodes will arrive sometime in 2021. In the meantime, you can stream the first season and the second season through DC Universe and HBO Max.
Patrick Schumacker and Justin Halpern serve as showrunners.
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