Released in 1990, Michael Keaton, Melanie Griffith and Matthew Modine starred in the psychological thriller Pacific Heights, which was directed by John Schlesinger. Produced by Morgan Creek Productions, the film saw Keaton playing a deranged tenant who terrorizes the owners of the house he’s renting in the Pacific Heights neighborhood of San Francisco.
The film was included in Bravo’s special “The 100 Scariest Movie Moments” back in 2004, introducing it to a whole new audience of horror fans. And we’ve learned that Morgan Creek is now headed back to Pacific Heights, with a new series project in the works.
The Morgan Creek team explains to Park Circus this week, “Pacific Heights, originally starring Michael Keaton, Melanie Griffith and Matthew Modine, will make a return as an open-ended dramatic series with a surprising and cheeky gender role reversal.”
Stay tuned for more as we learn it.
Morgan Creek has a lot in the works at the moment, including a reboot of The Exorcist with Blumhouse and Halloween director David Gordon Green, as well as a series adaptation of Clive Barker’s Nightbreed that has Michael Dougherty attached to direct. Additionally, Rachel Weisz is starring in an Amazon series adaptation of David Cronenberg’s Dead Ringers.
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