Wednesday, March 3, 2021

“World of Death”: Gulp Down This Four-Pack of Terror for St. Pattie’s Day! [Video]

Hola Amigos and welcome back to the World of Death!

St Patrick’s Day festivities may be canceled this year but this series certainly ain’t! In an ever-changing world filled with growing uncertainty, it’s nice to know there are institutions like the World of Death that are still with us (for 226 episodes!). In a testament to the seemingly never-ending supply of films at our disposal, this month we have four shorts to share with you guys!

First up we have Dawn of Man, written and directed by Victor Ridaura. I really can’t say much about Dawn of Man because the first three minutes are some of the tautest, surprising, masterworks of short storytelling I think I’ve ever seen on display in the WOD. That’s not hyperbole. What I can say is that Dawn of Man stars indie horror veteran A.J. Bowen and starts off with a hostage scenario that takes a decidedly Richard Matheson-esque turn. The first three minutes though… really f*&king clever.

Doorways, written and directed by Danny Takacs, needs little explanation if you’re someone that A) Watches Dr. Who B) Reads Stephen King C) Habitually smokes marijuana cigarettes. This short tells more story in three minutes than most full length films do in two hours. I dug it. Nerdy yet haunting. It’s like reading The Dark Tower while listening to RUSH and then orcs materialize in your laundry room.

Third, this month (but not last!) is Blood Will Have Blood, written by Meg Swertlow and literally everything else done by Miles Szanto. Blood Will Have Blood proudly declares that it was “Filmed entirely in quarantine under the Los Angeles County ‘Safer at Home’ order” and is all about having a beard and stabbing your girlfriend. Yikes!  Moving right along…

You know, when everything is said and done a lot of creative people are going to have “quarantine projects”, and Peril is definitely John Denton‘s. Shot on location in San Francisco in his apartment during the 2020 pandemic (with Denton doing everything himself), Peril tells the tale of what happens when Amazon delivers the Hand of Glory to your door. Kinda makes you wonder what all your neighbors were doing in all the apartments you lived next door to over the years? Probably freaking the f*&k out and stabbing boxes and sh*t. Craziness. This movie reminded me of going to film school in the ’90s. It plays like Eraserhead without the dude with the Kid ‘n Play haircut. Seriously though, this movie is bananas. I will never grow tired of people fully committing to making weird, ultra-personal sh*t like this. Rock on John Denton, rock on.

Well, that’s it for March’s WOD. Let’s not make a big deal out of this.

Good Journey,

Pat O’Sullivan

World of Death is the web series that fans of independent horror have been waiting for. Featuring short horror films from all over the globe created by the largest variety of talent that a collection has ever been able to boast, WOD provides plenty of blood, guts, screams and laughs for all fans of the macabre. WOD is the perfect entertainment for a fan base constantly on the go. Watch it anywhere, at any time, for FREE! New episodes premiere the first Wednesday of every month at 10am CST.


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