There are many questions proposed by Army of the Dead that Zack Snyder intentionally fails to answer, including strong suggestions that the zombies are actually aliens along with the revelation that zombies in this movie’s world, well, they can actually… have sex and get pregnant? And what about that whole time loop thing? Is there any legitimacy to that?
These are the questions Snyder will surely be asked time and time again as he continues making the rounds while promoting Army of the Dead, but one of the biggest (and strangest) questions has actually already been answered by Snyder. Sort of, at least…
At a couple different points, you may have noticed that some of the zombies that litter the apocalyptic Las Vegas setting in Army of the Dead don’t actually appear to be conventional zombies, making them different than both the surprisingly intelligent Alphas and the more traditional Shamblers. These zombies, well, they might not actually even be zombies at all.
We’re talking about the film’s Robot Zombies, one of which is most glaringly present in the casino shootout that takes place about 1 hour, 53 minutes into the movie. As our heroes gun down hordes of Shamblers, their heads mostly explode in the way you’d expect them to, spewing blood all over the place. Except for one of them, shot in the head by Mikey Guzman.
Raúl Castillo’s character fires a shot into one zombie’s head and rather than blood, it seems to be an oil-like substance that spills out. Underneath his skin, making things even stranger, looks to be a Terminator-esque metal skeleton. And it’s not a case of unfinished effects work, we assure you, but rather Snyder intentionally teasing the existence of Robot Zombies.
As Snyder explained to Movie Web back in April, “I had the idea from the beginning that these zombies were going to embody an evolution, that they were on their way to becoming something else, not stagnant like the zombies we’re used to. It was a way to make them fresh, while still delivering the zombie canon in some ways. I really wanted this sort of weird ambiguity to their origins – which, of course, we’ll explore in the animated series. If you pay close attention, there’s a number of zombies that are clearly not zombies.”
Snyder continues, “You see normal zombies and then you see some robot zombies. Are they monitors that the government has placed among the zombies to monitor them? Are they technology from the other world? What’s happening there?”
It would seem that Snyder has a massive mythology for the world of Army of the Dead that he only lightly touched upon in the movie itself, with the upcoming prequel animated series and live action prequel movie set to expand upon that universe. And if Snyder has his way, he’ll also be making a sequel to Army of the Dead, which he’s already mapped out in his head.
Alien Zombie Robots, man. They freak me out.
Jump to 6:30 in the video below to see one of these bizarre mashup monsters in action. And let us know down in the comments if you spotted any other Robot Zombies in the film…
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