Directed by Bigas Luna and released in 1987, the horror movie Anguish starred Zelda Rubinstein (Poltergeist) and Michael Lerner (Maniac Cop 2, Barton Fink), and we’ve learned this week that a remake is on the way from director F. Javier Gutiérrez (Rings).
The press release explains, “Kiko Martínez (Nadie es Perfecto) and Antonio Pérez (Maestranza Films) have acquired the rights to the remake, an option that Sam Raimi already considered in 2009 through his production company Ghost House Pictures.”
“Anguish is a complex and terrifying film with a modern spin: An ode to theaters in the middle of this tendency to view content at home through streamers. Cinema within cinema in a sinister ‘Freudian’ parallelism between reality and fiction that is obsessed with the viewer’s gaze.”
“Anguish left a mark on me for life. It is original and transgressive, hypnotic and violent, as well as a love letter to the movies and to our cinemas. It is a dream, as well as a responsibility, to bring back to the big screen the classic by Bigas Luna, one of Spain’s most personal and beloved authors,” Gutiérrez said in a statement sent out this week.
In the 1987 original, “A controlling mother uses telepathic powers to send her middle-aged son on a killing spree.” You can check out the official trailer for that movie down below.
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