Announced today, the limited thriller series “Clickbait” is coming to Netflix globally on August 25, billed as “a compelling, high stakes thriller that explores the ways in which our most dangerous and uncontrolled impulses are fueled in the age of social media.”
Find the trailer and official key art below.
“Nick Brewer (Adrian Grenier) is a loving father, husband, and brother, who one day suddenly and mysteriously disappears. A video appears on the internet of the badly beaten Nick holding a card that says “I abuse women. At 5 million views, I die”. Is this a threat or confession? Or both? As his sister (Zoe Kazan) and wife (Betty Gabriel) rush to find and save him, they uncover a side of Nick they didn’t know existed.”
Netflix details, “An eight-episode limited series told from revolving points of view, Clickbait is a compelling, high stakes thriller that explores the ways in which our most dangerous and uncontrolled impulses are fueled in the age of social media, revealing the ever-widening fractures we find between our virtual and real-life personas.”
Australian based Matchbox Pictures and Tony Ayres Productions (TAP) together with Heyday Television produced the series for Netflix. All three companies are part of NBCUniversal International Studios, a division of Universal Studio Group. Tony Ayres (Stateless, The Slap) is Creator, Showrunner, and Executive Producer. Christian White is Co-Creator, Co-Producer, and Writer. Brad Anderson (Session 9, The Machinist) is Lead Director. David Heyman (Once Upon a Time In Hollywood, Harry Potter, Gravity) is a NWEP through his production company, Heyday Television. Tom Winchester is Executive Producer for Heyday Television.
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