Monday, December 6, 2021

Celebrating the Passion of the Queer Antichrist [Horror Queers Podcast]

Black Chiffon

So long November! After a month of beach vampires in The Lost Boys, singing demons in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, gay panic voyeurs in Creep, and lesbian Satanists in The Seventh Victim, we are *more* than ready to celebrate the holigays. What better way to kick off December than Frank LaLoggia‘s Passion Play-infused, angelic take on the rise of the Antichrist, Fear No Evil (1981)?

This film is basically a combination of Carrie and The Omen and it’s a doozy. The high school parts involve Andrew (Stefan Arngrim), a bullied queer-coded teen who is harassed by Tony (Daniel Eden) and drawn to Julie (Kathleen Rowe McAllen). Meanwhile, Margaret (Elizabeth Hoffman) – the reincarnation of the Archangel Mikhail – is tasked with finding Gabrielle (eventually revealed to be Julie) before the rise of the antichrist (Andrew). Everything comes together at the town’s beachy re-enactment of the Passion and also there are oatmeal zombies.


Be sure to subscribe to the podcast to get a new episode every Wednesday. You can subscribe on iTunes/Apple PodcastsStitcherSpotifyiHeartRadioSoundCloudTuneInAmazon MusicAcastGoogle Podcasts, and RSS.

Episode 154 – Fear No Evil (1981) feat. Movie Oubliette

Dress in your best antichrist drag because we’re talking about the absolutely wild (and frequently nonsensical) Fear No Evil (1981). Along for the ride are Dan and Conrad from Movie Oubliette, making this a truly international podcast experience across four countries and three continents. C/W: the dog dies.

Up for debate: is this film homophobic or is it a condemnation of the damaging effects of religion? Is it a Christmas or an Easter movie? Is director Frank LaLoggia using the film to work out some personal issues? And can we find something nice to say about Kathleen Rowe McAllen’s bee-stung lips and atrocious acting?

Plus: bloody baptisms, satin Grease jackets, gun vaginas, death by dodgeball, animal cruelty, Gynecomastia and Dendrophilia, and many, MANY male asses, including one Trace deems so perfect, you could hold a tea party on it.

Cross out Fear No Evil!

Coming up on Wednesday: Prepare yourself for plenty of sexual assault (CW) in the feel bad film of the holidays: David Fincher’s 2011 remake of The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo!

P.S. Subscribe to our Patreon for more than 150 hours of additional content! For December, we’re covering Guillermo del Toro’s Nightmare Alley, UK drama/holiday/disaster film Silent Night, catching up on slasher film Initiation from earlier this year and examining trailers WAY better than the film! Plus: a seasonally appropriate audio commentary on Joe Dante’s Gremlins.


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