In addition to Teen Wolf: The Movie, which will serve as a continuation of the television series, Paramount+ has also ordered up a new series titled “Wolf Pack,” based on the book series by Edo Van Belkom. The project also hails from Jeff Davis, and Deadline has reported this week that Armani Jackson (Honor Society, Chad), Bella Shepard (iCarly, The Wilds), Chloe Rose Robertson (Wildflower) and Tyler Lawrence Gray (Our Town, Macbeth) will lead the cast.
“Wolf Pack follows a teenage boy, Everett (Jackson), and girl, Blake (Shepard), whose lives are forever changed when a California wildfire awakens a terrifying supernatural creature. Wounded in the chaos of its attack, the teens are inexplicably drawn to each other and to two others, fraternal twins Harlan (Gray) and Luna (Robertson), who were adopted sixteen years earlier by a park ranger after another mysterious wildfire. As the full moon rises, all four teens come together to unravel the secret that connects them – the bite and blood of a werewolf.”
The series comes from exec producer Jeff Davis and MTV Entertainment Studios.
Jason Ensler is on board to direct the pilot episode of “Wolf Pack.”
Expect “Wolf Pack” to arrive on Paramount+ later this year.
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