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Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Battle Dinosaurs and Mercs on a Remote Island in ‘Ferocious’ [Trailer]

With the recent announcement of Jurassic Park: Survival, it looks as if the game is more Alien: Isolation than Turok. That’s great and all for those looking for stealth action, but what about those wanting to send dinosaurs to a second extinction? OMYOG and publisher tinyBuild look to have your answer with FEROCIOUS, a slick-looking new FPS for Steam, which recently had a new trailer released that has you piloting a mech and ripping up the environment.

FEROCIOUS centres around you waking up after a shipwreck, having become beached on a mysterious island in the Pacific Ocean. Your brother is missing, and you must find him. However, you quickly discover that you’re not the only one on the island. And not the only human, either. The place is crawling with mercenaries and dinosaurs, and you’ve got to rely on your wits and stealth to outmaneuver and survive.

But of course, sometimes you’ll need to use a bit of firepower to get the job done, and the trailer definitely showcases the bloody action. However, the trailer also demonstrates that you don’t have to kill everything you see in FEROCIOUS. Rather, you can choose to study the wildlife to uncover the island’s secrets, and ultimately form partnerships with them to help you out. That appears to include befriending raptors to sic on unsuspecting mercenaries.

Currently, there’s no timeframe as of yet for when FEROCIOUS will be released.

The post Battle Dinosaurs and Mercs on a Remote Island in ‘Ferocious’ [Trailer] appeared first on Bloody Disgusting!.


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